-automatic light dimmer/controler -temperature controlled fan -object tracking camera/software -touch capacitive sensor to actuate light (real time dsp) - try make it something that ppl actually want to use software interrupts are a big thing (not just constant reading of sensors) 2-3 sensors working together or 1 sensors doing something more complex new ideas: - synthesizer - reach out bot (cannot see how this is real time) - maze solving robot - ambulance sounds turn traffic ligths green -> transmitter/receiver - whistle sensoring for pressure cooker - cane with circuitry that turns pedestrian lights green faster for longer ambulance sounds turn traffic ligths green -> transmitter/receiver ->receivers only arm/turn on when sound of siren is heard (specific frequency) ->rf transmission should happen at a quick pace (ambulance is moving at high speeds) Idea#1 Ambulance rf transmitter Idea#2 Cane rf transmitter->Card for elderly people (many more use cases) Idea#3 Home automation (motion+temp sensors, potentiometers, etc) Idea#4 Fingerprint sensor identifier for music playback (user interface needed to add more users and their respective preferences) ->incorporate blower for wet clothes/shoes Idea#5 Pressure cooker Difficulty in hardware (acquisition + integration) Cost Difficulty in programming Sellability (out of 5) 1 :4+2.5+3+2= 11.5 2 :3+4+2.5+2= 11.5 3 :5+5+2+1= 13 4 :1.5+2.5+4+1.5= 9.5 5 :1.5+1.5+5+3.5= 11.5 MIT license chosen, might change to AGPLv3 depending on patent requirements and feedback --->>one touch cozy mood<<--- one touch cozy night cozy mood made easy add a jazzy touch ---Hardware needed >fingerprint sensor (rasp pi compatible) >rgb led light strip (possibly power too) >speaker system (cheapest one, 3.5mm jack) --> nishant may has one we can use! >mutliple plug extension ### remarks ### user enters different playlists for different days/time of day user picks color for each playlist upon user creation, web app prompts user for initial scan for registration and correlation